Microsoft 365
PTO Tracker

Designed for where your team works whether on their phone, Teams or SharePoint; the Microsoft 365 PTO (Paid Time Off) Tracker delivers a modern, easy-to-use solution for managing all your time off requests easily with the tools you already own in Microsoft 365.

Maximize the ROI of your M365 investment and quickly deliver a ton of value to your organization.

The Gig Werks M365 PTO Tracker Delivers:

A Mobile App

so your employees can request time off easily
from anywhere

Intuitive User Experience

that’s easily customizable to align to your company preferences

Modern Form

embedded where your team works – Microsoft Teams, SharePoint or on their phone

Automated Workflow

that routes time off requests, manages approvals and tracks their status

Management Visibility

into all available time off requests, their status and upcoming PTO

*Contact Us for Details

Use What You Own

Manage in a SharePoint list or add custom integration* to your HR System

The Microsoft 365 PTO Tracker Mobile App

Easily fill out a time off request from your phone

Fully Customizable User Interface for Managers and Employees

Quick View into all available PTO, Holidays and Leave Requests

Drive ROI to your Microsoft investment with a solution that’s rapid to deploy, easy to use, and will deliver immediate value to the whole organization.


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